Government of Karathos


Karathos is ruled by a king with absolute authority, although traditionally the king turns over aspects of governance to certain other officials, most notably the Pontus of the Church of Ithyndus.

King Silith Vulpe (Sigh-lith Vul-pay) - 48 years old, cul de sac (hidden by the crown he wears whenever he appears in public) of brown hair shot through with streaks of gray, tall - 6’2”, 200lb, severe features, blood-red eyes, pale skin.

Silith ascended the throne 14 years ago when his father, Remir Vulpe, died under suspicious circumstances involving a lethal amount of poison that found its way into his body via his mouth during a banquet. Several nobles were subsequently arrested and publicly executed by the King’s Shadow, but all were political enemies of Silith and as members of the Shadows, you suspect that the evidence against them was flimsy and fabricated.

King Vulpe reigns with an iron fist. He frequently employs the Shadows and even his soldiers to swiftly and violently put down any signs of dissent or insurrection from any of his subjects, though his patience with the non-human inhabitants of Karathos is even thinner than his patience with the Humans. His trade and diplomatic policies with other nations are combative and belligerent to the point that no other nation considers Karathos to be an ally at this point; at best, some maintain tenuous economic ties.

Perhaps because of his paranoia, perhaps fueled by more rational considerations of the consequences of his draconic foreign and domestic policies, Vulpe funds the military and the Shadows much more than any of his predecessors since the Elven Wars which ended 60 years ago. While this has led to more lucrative job opportunities for fortunate members of Karathian society, it has also meant a heavier tax burden upon the already overburdened lower and (small and dwindling) middle classes.

Although non-human races have never fared well in Karathos (just ask any elf or dwarf you happen to come across), immigration policies under Vulpe’s reign have become even more strict. Non-human immigrants are extensively vetted, often locked into slum towns in port cities while they are investigated, and the ones who are allowed to enter broader Karathos are often secretly followed intermittently by a member of the Shadows for months to ensure they bear no ill will towards the crown.

King Vulpe maintains a moderate-sized court, typical of those of previous kings. There are 22 individuals who would be considered his advisors, most of whom specialize in certain areas, but he bases most of his decisions on the advice of the seven who make up his inner circle, though The King’s Shadow, Jema Nalegin, and Pontus Seftis exert far more influence over Vulpe than do the others.

Inner Circle

The King’s Shadow - Appearance never changes; the Shadow is always dressed all in smoky, blurry, shifting black armor made of some unknown substance, complete with gloves, a hood, and a full face mask, completely hiding their gender and all features except for glowing yellow eyes. The Shadow never speaks above a whisper, though when he or she wishes, the whisper will carry or amplify as much as he or she needs it to. The confusing nature of the Shadow’s armor makes it hard to even pin down his or her height and weight, though both seem to be within a standard deviation of average for an adult human. It’s not certain whether even the king himself has seen the Shadow’s face or knows the Shadow’s gender. Furthermore, the Shadow’s appearance has not changed over time since the creation of the Shadows 206 years ago. Nobody knows if this is because the Shadow is somehow immortal and it is in fact the same person as it was so many years ago or if there have been a succession of Shadows, all of whom work to maintain a consistent appearance…

General Varka - Late 50s, close-cropped gray hair, brown eyes, weathered skin, wiry frame, 6’ tall, 180lb. General Varka is the highest-ranking officer in the Karathian army. Varka tends to be cold, emotionless, and reserved, letting others speak until the point of discomfort before he responds, so that he may glean more information from them beyond what they intended to share.

Admiral Trask - Late 50s, bald, light blue eyes, craggy, windblown, weathered skin, thickly muscled frame, 5’10”, 220lb. Admiral Trask is the highest-ranking officer in the Karathian navy. Trask is highly disciplined and ordered both in his thinking and in his life. He rarely displays strong emotions and expects to be respected because of his status and his accomplishments in life, both by those below him and those above him, though very few in the kingdom are above him.

Jema Nalegin (Chief Diplomat, 1 of 3) - Indeterminate age, but perhaps in his 30s or early 40s, good looking, twinkling green eyes, well-kept brown beard, neatly maintained brown hair, 6’1”, 190lb. Unlike most of the others in the inner circle, Jema tends to dress as one would expect one of his rank to dress - expensive, high-quality clothing, equipment, jewelry, and weapons (Jema is never without a longsword by his side, even in the presence of the king.) He is a brilliant diplomat with a quick mind, excellent social skills, the ability to read people like a book, and the knack for saying the right thing at the right time, even in the tensest and most delicate of situations.

Elsin Rayleth (Chief Strategist) - Mid 60s, rail-thin with gaunt features, white hair cut just below her ears, pale blue eyes, 5’8”, 120lb. Elsin prefers austere, nondescript robes. She is a brilliant strategist and tactician as evidenced by her elevation to this post in the misogynist nation of Karathos. She has never had qualms about stepping over (or on) others to advance herself and in so doing, secured herself a position among the king’s most trusted advisors. Although not physically imposing, she is well-known to be a dangerous woman who should not be taken lightly.

Mirith Azran (Minister of Racial Affairs) - Early 50s, medium build, well-cared-for appearance, attractive, straight red hair that cascades past her shoulder blades, brilliant green eyes, pale skin, 5’5”, 120lb. Mirith dresses fashionably and has mastered the art of the schmooze. She easily makes friends wherever she goes, if she chooses to, for she can be incredibly charming. This is all a facade, however; she is an utter sociopath who lacks any shred of empathy or compassion for any living thing besides herself. She impressed Vulpe enough through her actions putting down insurrections in the frontier that he brought her into his council and eventually into his inner circle as his chief advisor regarding issues related to non-human races in Karathos.

Pontus Seftis (Head of the Church of Ithyndus) - Never seen without his holy vestments which obscure his build and his hair, Seftis appears to be in his mid to late 60s and anywhere from 5’10” to 6’2” tall. He is not obese or emaciated but beyond that, his build cannot be determined underneath his robes. Seftis rarely talks but thanks to his ever-working, brilliant mind, when he does say something, it would do well for those around him to listen. Under his 33 year tenure as Pontus, Seftis has dramatically increased the already substantial wealth and power of the Church, mended schisms, and turned the Church throughout Karathos into a single well-oiled entity. Despite being physically unimpressive, Seftis is not to be taken lightly.

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